Dee Brown's, Civil War Anthology

Dee Brown's Civil War Anthology

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Hardcover   $25.00
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Dee Brown's Civil War Anthology

Dee Brown - Edited By Stan Banash

In this collection, America's most distinguished popular historian has turned his attention to the violent struggle that came close to destroying the nation.  Drawing on letters and diaries as well as military reports, Dee Brown recreates the human face of the Civil War.  With his characteristic genius for bringing history to life, he tells of the daring raids, brilliant strategies, tragic miscalculations, and pigheaded blunders; times for both sides when everything that could go wrong, did;  and moments when extraordinary good luck suggested divine intervention.

Brown gives detailed accounts of the most important battles fought in the West, including the Battle of Wilson's Creek, termed "the Bull Run of the West," and the Battle of Westport, the biggest engagement fought west of the Mississippi.  He describes the famous raids of Rebel John Morgan and Union commander Benjamin Grierson, who each let daring calvary expeditions deep into enemy territory.  He offers the story of a little known conspiracy to form a Northwestern Confederacy with an army of freed Confederate prisoners and describes the tragic final collapse of the Confederacy and capture of Commander-in-Chief Jefferson Davis.  Brown includes many personal stories of Rebel and Union commanders and foot soldiers, who recount the horrors they witnessed, the astonishing acts of heroism and gallantry, and moments when compassion for the human beings who were their enemies replaced the murderous rage battle.  Editor Stan Banash has provided an introduction and a reference list documenting the named participants in each battle.  

This collection will be welcomed by Civil War history buffs, as well as Dee Brown's many admirers - and all readers with an interest in one of the most challenging chapters in American history.

Dust Jacket Blurbs
"Of the fourteen episodes selected by editor Stan Banash for inclusion in this volume, all but three or four are from what is known as the Western Theater of the Civil War.  The reason for this is that I am a westerner and know the terrain in the Eastern Theater.  Perhaps I better understand the participants' attitudes, behavior, and manners of thought and speech.  After all, several of the survivors were still around while I was a young boy.  While going through the letters, diaries, and memoirs of participants in Grierson's Raid, for example, I felt as if I knew well the men on both sides." 
- Dee Brown
"Veterans as well as recruits in the field of Civil War history will find new and fascinating material, set forth in Brown's vigorous and lucid style."
James M. McPherson
Military Historian
Princeton University
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